Women of Life changing, Inc

We are seeking contributions to establish scholarship funds for students impacted by Sarcoidosis. The aim is to offer financial assistance to individuals who have lost a parent or guardian to Sarcoidosis or are personally enduring the effects of this condition. Additionally, donations will provide financial aid to those facing unemployment due to health reasons and have been denied disability benefits, thereby assisting with the costs of medication and co-payments.
Your generous donation will be instrumental in advancing cutting-edge research, advocating for change, delivering professional education, and establishing programs, services, and annual events to support individuals affected by these illnesses and help them chart a path forward in their lives.
Donate by Mail
Women of Life changing, Inc (WOLC)
Donate by Pay Pal
Excellence Award Sponsors: $5,500
–Advertising the name of the company by presenting it at the event and on the return and repeat banner
– ½ page ad in ad calendar and display advertising at event
– Name listed on event invitations and logo featured on website for six months
– 6 tickets to event,
Silver Sponsor: $3,500
– ½ page ad in ad calendar and display advertising at event
– Name listed on event invitations and logo featured on website for six months
– 4 tickets to event,
Bronze Sponsor: $1500
– ¼ page ad in ad calendar and logo featured on website for six months
– 2 tickets to event,
Partner Sponsor: $500
– Listing in ad calendar and on website for three months
– 2 tickets to event
Whatever you like to donate Sponsor:
-Name listed on the event invitation